Ghetto but simple Log Parser for testing website performance

So… I got fedup with constantly writing my own stuff for basic things. I’m going to turn this into something more spectacular that accepts commandline input, and also, allows you to define which days, and months, ranges, and stuff like that.

It’s a no-frills-ghetto log parser.


echo "Total HITS: MARCH"
grep "/Mar/2017" /var/log/httpd/ | wc -l;

for i in 0{1..9} {10..24};

do echo "      > 9th March 2017, hits this $i hour";
grep "09/Mar/2017:$i" /var/log/httpd/ | wc -l;

        # break down the minutes in a nested visual way thats AWsome
for j in 0{1..9} {10..60};
do echo "                  >>hits at $i:$j";
grep "09/Mar/2017:$i:$j" /var/log/httpd/ | wc -l;


It’s not perfect, it’s just a proof of concept, really.