Installing Rackspace Cloud Backup on a Windows Box

You may be a managed infrastructure customer at Rackspace, which is the infrastructure-only support. Maybe you want to install the Cloud Backup agent, but aren’t sure how. For windows, it really couldn’t be easier. You:

Required Steps
1) Download Cloud Backup Installer
2) Install Cloud Backup, providing, when prompted your
i) cloud username

Once the Backup Agent has been installed, it’s possible to start backing up, by configuring Backups in the mycloud control panel. Rackspace can help you schedule backups if you feel uncomfortable doing that part, but as the customer you would want to install the Agent yourselves. Rackspace doesn’t hold credentials or login to managed infrastructure customers machines, so providing you can take care of this part. We can help you do the rest.

# Installing Backup Agent on the Windows Cloud Server

1. Download this link with your browser, right click ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’, to download the windows Cloud Backup installer.

2. When installing, the software requests you to provide your cloud username, and the API key. You can find these two pieces of detail under your ‘account settings’ page at the below url:

(You will need to be logged in, and can access account settings from the menu in the top right hand corner of the page)

3. When prompted by the installer, copy paste in your username and API key.

The whole process is described step by step at the below URL:

Once you have performed these steps you will be able to set backups in the control panel and Rackspace can guide you how to set that up once the agent is installed on your windows server.