Creating Cloud Servers using php-OpenCloud & PHP

So, I thought after doing such a good job with Python that I would take my trouble to PHP. In this case I was running PHP at the commandline, but there is no reason you can’t use these in your web application. That’s one good thing about PHP, right there. It may be the only thing, but, it’s there!

Step 1. Setup php-opencloud and php and composer

yum install php-opencloud php composer

Step 2. Setup composer requirement for php-opencloud (this is what is required for the vendor/autoloader.php file)

composer require rackspace/php-opencloud

Step 3. Configure opencloud

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use OpenCloud\Rackspace;

Step 4. Configure Authorisation Section, including my username, apikey and REGION ‘LON’. For Dallas Forth Worth this would be DFW, etc.

# Authentication

$client = new Rackspace(Rackspace::US_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, array(
    'username' => 'myusername',
    'apiKey'   => '90ghaj4532asdsFgsdrghdi9832'

$service = $client->computeService(null, 'LON');

Step 5. Set Image to use to create server

$image = $service->image('d5bb9732-6468-4963-85b7-b6d1025cd0c7');

Step 6. Set Flavor to use to create server

$flavor = $service->flavor('general1-1');

Step 7. Proceed with server build

$server = $service->server();

$response = $server->create(array(
        'name'          =>      'Mein New Test Serven',
        'imageId'       =>      $image->getId(),
        'flavorId'      =>      $flavor->getId()

Step 8. The completed php file will look something like :

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use OpenCloud\Rackspace;

# Authentication

$client = new Rackspace(Rackspace::US_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, array(
'username' => 'myusername',
'apiKey' => '90ghaj4532asdsFgsdrghdi9832'

$service = $client->computeService(null, 'LON');
# Cloud Image
$image = $service->image('d5bb9732-6468-4963-85b7-b6d1025cd0c7');
# Cloud Server Flavor
$flavor = $service->flavor('general1-1');

# Proceed with Server Build

$server = $service->server();

$response = $server->create(array(
'name' => 'Mein New Test Serven',
'imageId' => $image->getId(),
'flavorId' => $flavor->getId()
