Creating Cloud Servers using Python & Pyrax

Today I have been playing around with some Python. This time using Pyrax and the Rackspace API. Here is how I did it. In my case I was using a CentOS 7 image.

Step 1. Install pip and pyrax

yum install python-pip gcc make
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pyrax

Step 2. Consult the docs!

Which has support for JAVA, PHP, Python, GO, RUBY, .NET and more.

Step 3. Create your import directives

import os
import pyrax

Step 3. Create your Authorisation

# Authentication Section
# myusername is the mycloud username for the Rackspace User in portal
# 99ghghghghgh12345a289872342 is the APIKEY, you need to replace these with the values you use for your account
pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace")
pyrax.set_credentials('myusername', '99ghghghghgh12345a289872342')

cs = pyrax.cloudservers

Step 4. Listing some flavours: It’s possible to list the different virtual machine flavors (HARDWARE TYPE)

flavor_list = cs.list_flavors()
print flavor_list

Step 5. Set the flavor we want to use to create a server. In this case we are spinning up a performance 1 server with 1GB RAM.

flavor = cs.flavors.get('performance1-1')

Step 6. Set the image we want to use to create the server. I have a custom image from a previous server I made I want to use.

image = pyrax.images.get('d9aa9583-6468-4963-85b7-b6d1025cd0c7')

Step 7. Create the server with the parameters: name, image and flavor.

server = cs.servers.create('testing1',,

The complete file should look like:

import os
import pyrax

# Authentication Section

pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace")
pyrax.set_credentials('adambull', '99ghghghghgh12345a289872342')

cs = pyrax.cloudservers

flavor_list = cs.list_flavors()

flavor = cs.flavors.get('performance1-1')

image = pyrax.images.get('d9aa9583-6468-4963-85b7-b6d1025cd0c7')
server = cs.servers.create('testing1',,