Using Python with nova-client to list servers

A customer came to me today complaining about his code not working. He’d forgot to include the ‘account-number’, also refered to as the project_id in openstack. Without it, your going to get HTTP 405, i.e. MethodNotAllowed: Method Not Allowed (HTTP 405)

from novaclient import client

nova = client.Client ("2" ,"username", "password", "account-number", "")

list = nova.servers.list()

print list

This does what it says on the tin, queries the API using nova python module to extract server list.

Deploying Devstack successfully in CentOS 7

So, do you want to setup your own openstack infrastructure? With Cinder, Nova, nova API, keystone and the such? That’s easy enough. Here is how to do it.

Step 1. Deploy CentOS7, any basic install should be fine. I deployed using the Rackspace cloud server 8Gigs standard instance type. (standard install should be fine!)

Step 2. Add stack user

adduser stack

Step 3. Add stack to sudoers wheel group, ensuring sudo is there

yum install -y sudo
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

Step 4. Modify /etc/passwd so that the home directory for stack is /opt/stack . It needs this. And chown

vi /etc/passwd
# make sure home directory for stack is /opt/stack (thats all!)
mkdir /opt/stack
chown -R stack:stack /opt/stack

Step 5. Clone Devstack from git

sudo yum install -y git
su stack
git clone
cd devstack

Step 6. Cp base config sample file

cp samples/local.conf .

Step 7. Deploy stack


Retrieving Xenstore Networking settings from within a Rackspace Server

When a customer of ours is having issues with their networking, such as the configured gateway or netmask, we are able to provide a oneliner that allows them to run on the VM guest a command which takes the information directly from xenstore, (xe-linux-distribution). Find the command below.

xenstore-read vm-data/networking/$(xenstore-ls vm-data/networking | awk '/private/{print$1}')
{"label": "private", "broadcast": "", "ips": [{"ip": "", "netmask": "", "enabled": "1", "gateway": null}], "mac": "BC:76:4E:11:11:11", "dns": ["", ""], "routes": [{"route": "", "netmask": "", "gateway": ""}, {"route": "", "netmask": "", "gateway": ""}], "gateway": null}

Please note that the information was modified for privacy. This is just grabbing servicenet. To gather all the vm-data use

xenstore-ls vm-data

Altogether now:

Step 1. Retrieve all vm-data

$ xenstore-ls vm-data
 user-metadata = ""
 rax_service_level_automation = ""Complete""
 build_config = """"
networking = ""
 BC764E182CB = "{"label": "private", "broadcast": "", "ips": [{"ip": "", "netmask": "", "enabled": "1", "gateway": null}], "mac": "BC:76\..."
 BC764E0192DB = "{"ip6s": [{"ip": "2a00:1a48:7803:107:be76:4eff::", "netmask": 64, "enabled": "1", "gateway": "fg80::def"}], "label": "public", "broadcast": "\..."
meta = "{"rxtx_cap": 80.0}"
auto-disk-config = "False"

Step 2. Retrieve data for Network MACID

xenstore-read vm-data/networking/BC764E182CB
"label": "private", "broadcast": "", "ips": [{"ip": "", "netmask": "", "enabled": "1", "gateway": null}], "mac": "", "dns": ["", ""], "routes": [{"route": "", "netmask": "", "gateway": ""}, {"route": "", "netmask": "", "gateway": ""}], "gateway": null}

xenstore-read vm-data/networking/BC764E0192DB
{"ip6s": [{"ip": "2a00:1a48:7803:107:be76:4eff:fe08:9cc3", "netmask": 64, "enabled": "1", "gateway": "fe80::def"}], "label": "public", "broadcast": "", "ips": [{"ip": "", "netmask": "", "enabled": "1", "gateway": ""}], "mac": "", "gateway_v6": "ge77::def", "dns": ["", ""], "gateway": ""}

Please note I sanitised the MACID and IP address information, altering it not to show my real ips and subnets, it is just to give you an idea of the two virtual intefaces, publicnet & servicenet.

Booting an Image in specific cell/region

This particular oneliner uses NOVA API to boot an image with the id=9876fa2-99df-4be3-989f-eec1e8c08afd and the flavor=general purpose 4GB RAM and the hint ensures that the server reaches the correct cell and hypervisor host.

supernova customer boot --image 9876fa2-99df-4be3-989f-eec1e8c08afd --flavor general1-4 --hint target_cell='lon!z0001' --hint 0z0ne_target_host=c-10-0-12-119 myservername

Using SNI with Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer and adding upto 20 SSL Certificates on single LB

This is going to be a short and dirty documentation on how to add multiple SSL certificates to a Rackspace Load Balancer.

1. Authorise with rackspace auth api (Get a token with user and api key credentials)
x-auth-key is apikey and x-auth-user is the mycloud username

curl -D - -H "x-auth-user: myusername" -H "x-auth-key: 1c989d8f89dfd87f3df3dff3d6f7fgf"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 15:41:38 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
X-Storage-Token: AAA98345kdfg893DFGDF43iudng39dfgjkdfgDFI$JUIDFJGDFJGDFGDJJHDFGJHIfdg34dfgkdfjgiodfgiodfDFGDdg323
X-NewRelic-App-Data: PxQGUF9aDwETVlhSBQUP
X-Auth-Token: AAA98345kdfg893DFGDF43iudng39dfgjkdfgDFI$JUIDFJGDFJGDFGDJJHDFGJHIfdg34dfgkdfjgiodfgiodfDFGDdg323
vary: Accept, Accept-Encoding, X-Auth-Token, X-Auth-Key, X-Storage-User, X-Storage-Pass, X-Auth-User
Cache-Control: s-maxage=86319
Front-End-Https: on

Now you can copy and paste the X-Auth-Token. It is needed for the next step

2. Configure the JSON file to upload an additional certificate and private key via API for a domain hostname. Here I am configuring

file: lb.json

  "certificateMapping": {
     "hostName": "",
     "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nRg==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
  "privateKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nmRkVP6peBU2cGdXRWjCrxkKR+uJM9BCG0Ix3BOPy29nWaCEl+5wjBEc=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

3. Call API to add certificatemapping json lb hostname configuration file. This just allows to have SSL on the Load Balancer.
(you can add up to 20 Domains). It’s lots cheaper and not as hard as I might have initially thought!!

curl -v -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -d @lb.json -X POST -H "content-type: application/json"

It’s also possible to update the Load Balancer Certificates via the API, please see for more information

4. Confirm the certificate mappings are added (please note 1001011 is the customer DDI and 157090 is the Load Balancer ID).

curl -v -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< Via: 1.1 Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer API v1.25.11 (Repose/2.11.0)
< Content-Length: 83
< Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 15:49:24 GMT
* Server Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT) is not blacklisted
< Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
* Connection #0 to host left intact

You may note that the lb.json file has the certificate all on one line! how to do this? It's not that hard. Here is how I did it:

cat | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g'
cat  | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g'
-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nmRkVP6peBU2cGdXRWjCrxkKR+uJM9BCG0Ix3BOPy29nWaCEl+5wjBEc=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Notice the extra \n's after the processing.

Don't be intimidated by the sed line, it just replaces the \n newline with the character \n instead, so the json file is easier to lay out the cert as a 'string'.

Important notes on SNI:

We know we can add certificate mappings on the Load Balancer.
the Load Balancer has been configured for Allowing secure and insecure traffic, Port 443. SSL is terminated at the load balancer. This is what is known as OFFLOADING, it just means the SSL encryption is seen at the load balancer. Behind the load balancer, there is no encryption between it and the server. This allows the SNI hostname to be forwarded to the server, without it being in an encrypted form within the TCP packet.

5. Now lets install apache2 and configure some virtualhosts, at the most basic level. This is for an example and not a perfect setup

apt-get update
apt-get install httpd
vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Documentroot /var/www/

Documentroot /var/www/

mkdir -p /var/www/
mkdir -p /var/www/
echo ' page body testing' > /var/www/
echo ' page body testing' > /var/www/
vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

add one line in the file like:

Include /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

I just like to configure apache2 this way.

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

6. Confirm both websites are working thru LB with SNI

# Curl domain
$ curl page body testing

# curl domain 2
$ curl page body testing

# curl IP address

# what happened when curling the IP address? Well..There was no TCP servername/hostname forwarded in the header for SNI support to detect the domain x-forwarded-for

# Lets provide the header
curl -H "host:"

Testing SSL on the hostnames

openssl s_client -connect
openssl s_client -connect -host
openssl s_client -connect -servername

List all Cloud Server Details thru the API

Well, this one is a bit cheeky because I borrowed it from a colleague of mine David Coon. Thanks David, I appreciate your assistance!


auth() {
    read -p "What is your Account Number: " ddi
    read -p "Whats your username:" username    
    read -p "Whats your APIkey:" APIkey
    read -p "Which Datacenter are your servers in? " dc

token() {
    token=`curl -s -X POST \
    -d '{"auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials":{"username":"'$username'", "apiKey":"'$APIkey'"}}}' \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" | python -m json.tool  | sed -n '/expires/{n;p;}' |sed -e 's/^.*"id": "\(.*\)",/\1/'`
    echo "Your API Token is ---->  $token"

listservers() {
    curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" "https://$$ddi/servers" | python -m json.tool

getservers() {
    read -p "What is the server id?" id
    curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" "https://$$ddi/servers/$id" | python -m json.tool


Installing Nova Agent Linux on Xen Guest VM

So, sometimes every now and then a customer wants to use a custom image with our services. The thing is for the build to succesfully complete and the VM to get networking, it needs to be able to communicate with lil ole nova-agent.


1. Download the nova-agent-linux

cd ~/
mkdir nova-agent
cd nova-agent

2. Extract and run installer script

tar xzf nova-agent-Linux-x86_64-1.39.0.tar.gz

3. Inject LSB headers into the script (if not already there)

sed '1i### BEGIN INIT INFO\n# Provides: Nova-Agent\n# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog\n# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\n# Default-Stop: 0 1 6\n# Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time\n# Description: Enable service provided by daemon.\n### END INIT INFO\n' /usr/share/nova-agent/1.39.0/etc/generic/nova-agent > /usr/share/nova-agent/1.39.0/etc/generic/nova-agent.lsb

4. Move the init script in place and make it executable

cp -av /usr/share/nova-agent/1.39.0/etc/generic/nova-agent.lsb /etc/init.d/nova-agent
chmod +x /etc/init.d/nova-agent

5. Set the script to start automatically in the event of a reboot.

# RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, OpenSuse
chkconfig nova-agent on

# Debian, Ubuntu
update-rc.d -f nova-agent defaults


Deleting All the Files in a Cloud Container

Hey. So if only I had a cake for every customer that asked if we could delete all of their cloud files in a single container for them (i’d be really really really fat so maybe that is a bad idea). A dollar though, now there’s a thought.

On that note, here is a dollar. Probably the best dollar you’ll see today. You could probably do this with php, bash or swiftly, but doing it *THIS* way is also awesome, and I learnt (although some might say learned) something. Here is how I did it. I should also importantly thank Matt Dorn for his contributions to this article. Without him this wouldn’t exist.

Step 1. Install Python, pip

yum install python pip
apt-get install python pip

Step 2. Install Pyrax (rackspace Python Openstack Library)

pip install pyrax

Step 3. Install Libevent

curl -L -O
tar xzf libevent-2.0.21-stable.tar.gz
cd libevent-2.0.21-stable
./configure --prefix="$VIRTUAL_ENV"
make && make install

Step 4. Install Greenlet and Gevent

pip install greenlet
pip install gevent

Step 5. Check gevent library loading in Python Shell

import gevent

If nothing comes back, the gevent lib works OK.

Step 6. Create the code to delete all the files

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gevent import monkey
from gevent.pool import Pool
from gevent import Timeout
import pyrax

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = Pool(100)
pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace')
pyrax.set_setting('verify_ssl', False)
# Rackspace Credentials Go here, Region LON, username: mycloudusername apikey: myrackspaceapikey. 
pyrax.set_setting('region', 'LON')
pyrax.set_credentials('mycloudusername', 'myrackspaceapikey')

cf = pyrax.cloudfiles
# Remember to set the container correctly (which container to delete all files within?)
container = cf.get_container('testing')
objects = container.get_objects(full_listing=True)

def delete_object(obj):

# added timeout of 5 seconds just in case

    with Timeout(5, False):

for obj in objects:
    pool.spawn(delete_object, obj)

It’s well worth noting that this can also be used to list all of the objects as well, but that is something for later…

Step 7. Execute (not me the script!)

The timeout can be adjusted. And the script can be run several times to ensure any missed files are retried to be deleted.

Extracting IPV4 IP addresses from a list of machine ID’s

for id in $(cat list.txt); do supernova lon show $id | awk '/accessIPv4/ {print $4}'; done >> iplist.txt

It’s a pretty simple hack. thanks to Jan for this.

Of course you need to extract the machine id’s to run the above statement. Here is how I did that:

nova list --tenant 10010101 > list.txt

Pretty cool. And yeah I know, I put step 1 after step 2, but you get the idea !

Resetting Meta data of a RAX Rackspace Xen Server

At work we had some customers complaining of metadata not being removed on their servers.

nova --os-username username --os-password apigoeshere meta uuidgoeshere delete rax:reboot_window

It was pretty simple to do as a one liner right.

But imagine we have a list.txt full of 100 servers that need clearing for an individual customer, that would be a nightmare to do manually like above. so we can do it like:

for server in $(cat list.txt); do nova --os-username username --os-password apikeygoeshere meta $server delete rax:reboot_window; done

Now that is pretty cool. And saved me and my colleagues a lot of time.