Resetting Xen Server Networking from Xen Hypervisor

From my colleague Jan.

DOM=$(xe vm-list name-label=instance-2fgfgf763fgfgidsfiusdf783hj params=dom-id –minimal)

# Verify Variables set correctly
echo Domain: $DOM UUID: $UUID

# Perform resetnetwork
xenstore-write /local/domain/$DOM/data/host/$UUID ‘{“name”:”resetnetwork”,”value”:””}’

# wait few seconds
xenstore-read /local/domain/$DOM/data/guest/$UUID

# if that is problematic then check if request is hanging:
xenstore-ls /local/domain/$DOM/data

Automating Rackspace SSL Load Balancer Certificate Mappings

This one doesn’t really come up that often at work, but it was some harmless fun I had this morning, when I thought, ‘is it possible to take some cert and key files’ and then build json around it with echo >> and sed the privateKey and publicCertificate into their rightful places in an lb.json file, and then curl a request against the Rackspace Load Balancer API.

So whats the point/joy of doing this? Well, it allows you to add certificate mappings with relative ease. Just plop your .cert and your .key file in the certificates folder, and the script can do all the rest. Of course you need to provide your username and APIKEY, but you always need to do that when making requests to the API. It’s also worth noting the TOKEN is generated automatically.

Next I will write a script that generates self signed certificates and then injects them in, so literally no user action is required. Obviously this isn’t going to be that useful, but if I connected it to an API-like certificate making service that was authorised ssl reseller, it would be a pretty tight product, I would go so far to say awesome.

Here is how I achieved it:



TOKEN=`curl -X POST -d '{ "auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": { "username":"'$USERNAME'", "apiKey": "'$APIKEY'" }} }' -H "Content-type: application/json" |  python -mjson.tool | grep -A5 token | grep id | cut -d '"' -f4`

echo '
  "certificateMapping": {
     "hostName": "",
     "certificate": "' > lb.json

cat certificates/private.key | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' > certificates/private.short
cat certificates/public.cert | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' >  certificates/public.short

cat certificates/public.short >> lb.json
echo '", "privateKey": "' >> lb.json
cat certificates/private.short >> lb.json
echo '" } }' >> lb.json

curl -v -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -d @lb.json -X POST -H "content-type: application/json"

My colleague referred this as a ‘sneaky way’ to parse Json. He is indeed correct, I am quite sneaky, but if it’s simple and it works, then booyah. This is what the lb.json file looks like after it’s created by the above shellscript.

  "certificateMapping": {
     "hostName": "",
     "certificate": "
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIC/TCCAeWgAwIBAgIJAP5bHAHitdeoMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMBUxEzARBgNV\nBAMMCnd3dy5teS5jb20wHhcNMTUxMjAyMDkzNjEzWhcNMjUxMTI5MDkzNjEzWjAV\nMRMwEQYDVQQDDAp3d3cubXkuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB\nCgKCAQEAxcSqtsqQUrFEY327avnR7uxxO6svkvPzzv7ANUhZ142OYZ4727sgDJeA\nbKllpxrCqZfnVDfd+YcloLukcHoEKYC0/6R/nygZbaXwA0WGLhNX+L43MEsldtGx\ntk3eO0Gs3B1t9na9NEjTO0YMxXsgnXrTZFUB2bD/UL8TkdtoWdlVgPwtIPeVyGZF\nhj3dBzO6SPvfixTrZLz8EAZ95I1bOHR+0UnXHZ6z7Bh+fKD4NQbXTSEFH/0HoAXV\nfHm5BxwsheFrQm3/0fisraArPFhDVfOrkCcVta8MniJn6SMtk8Us66ACIdl7uydM\nHqLqs29TQOGyB9nIxTL1h4T7+tbHiwIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUOpK+W3FR\nUcttjZtmCEYwlXUon3AwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUOpK+W3FRUcttjZtmCEYwlXUon3Aw\nDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAL8Oo1nrykXCr2hYBg6on\nXLi5Tehsp6495U8xZygUL0fK08TUovjnVjln3qEsarotREZaTtmAjVrNZwYJrrn7\nHoxoOiccHw0FL3UfPR4q2oS+Z94Q+ZG9kXptO84nPV6WAx96lOXfPCVast9CsaVs\nkZRyZBQtYO+Mh53zxhouqNG69/OvSdDz4tCGi6MTZWmZGhnGx7SaTMITfOeK7IU8\nN4sMZwmHHsubKVZvcB0xN8Q+1Zwv7SPUuOi+OSd7v7llxlJ4bu2UQ55cLWb697dZ\nNCAChW2xsi157XUfPGnayfO/DbEQFdRULkKStY8o2jiu7GaovWtPVHY0kxjQKfY4\nQg==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n
", "privateKey": "
-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nw4ewR/Bwubv6iL7ct0FLFSjJXeNMc1+VmVpBTICpV0PrKbCP9uTw\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
" } }

Testing if Nova Agent is available on server when an image build is not getting networking

So, we occasionally get customers who are having issues creating a new server from an image of a previous server. Normally this is caused by the nova-agent not being set to start on boot, or the xe-linux-distribution being missing from the VM. It’s possible to check whether a virtual machine is configured right and I put together this little piece with the help of my colleague and friend Zoltan.

1. Checking if Nova Agent is installed and can be started

# /etc/init.d/nova-agent start

2. Check if nova-agent and xe-linux-distribution is running on VM

# ps auxf | grep nova
# ps auxf | grep xe-daemon

If processes called nova-agent or xe-daemon return then you know they are running OK.

3. Ensure that both services do start during boot

# chkconfig nova-agent on
# chkconfig xe-linux-distribution on

For Debian and Ubuntu Systems you may need to use

update-rc.d -f nova-agent defaults

Once you confirm that these services are running it’s safe to take an image, and create a new VM with it. These 2 processes need to be running because when the new server is built the way that the VM gets its networking set is using xenstore and novaagent to retrieve and set the network interfaces file with correct ip, subnet and gateway.

– A

Manually Creating a Bootable CBS using NOVA

A customer was getting a bad error: : Block Device Mapping is Invalid.

It was because the cbs wasn’t building in time from the image , and the build was timing out. So the solution was pretty simple. Add the CBS first:

 supernova customer volume-create 55 --volume-type=SSD --display-name=starating --image-id=5674345-dfgegdf-34553531123

Oh, thanks Aaron dude. You rock.

Deleting All the Files in a Cloud Container

Hey. So if only I had a cake for every customer that asked if we could delete all of their cloud files in a single container for them (i’d be really really really fat so maybe that is a bad idea). A dollar though, now there’s a thought.

On that note, here is a dollar. Probably the best dollar you’ll see today. You could probably do this with php, bash or swiftly, but doing it *THIS* way is also awesome, and I learnt (although some might say learned) something. Here is how I did it. I should also importantly thank Matt Dorn for his contributions to this article. Without him this wouldn’t exist.

Step 1. Install Python, pip

yum install python pip
apt-get install python pip

Step 2. Install Pyrax (rackspace Python Openstack Library)

pip install pyrax

Step 3. Install Libevent

curl -L -O
tar xzf libevent-2.0.21-stable.tar.gz
cd libevent-2.0.21-stable
./configure --prefix="$VIRTUAL_ENV"
make && make install

Step 4. Install Greenlet and Gevent

pip install greenlet
pip install gevent

Step 5. Check gevent library loading in Python Shell

import gevent

If nothing comes back, the gevent lib works OK.

Step 6. Create the code to delete all the files

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gevent import monkey
from gevent.pool import Pool
from gevent import Timeout
import pyrax

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = Pool(100)
pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace')
pyrax.set_setting('verify_ssl', False)
# Rackspace Credentials Go here, Region LON, username: mycloudusername apikey: myrackspaceapikey. 
pyrax.set_setting('region', 'LON')
pyrax.set_credentials('mycloudusername', 'myrackspaceapikey')

cf = pyrax.cloudfiles
# Remember to set the container correctly (which container to delete all files within?)
container = cf.get_container('testing')
objects = container.get_objects(full_listing=True)

def delete_object(obj):

# added timeout of 5 seconds just in case

    with Timeout(5, False):

for obj in objects:
    pool.spawn(delete_object, obj)

It’s well worth noting that this can also be used to list all of the objects as well, but that is something for later…

Step 7. Execute (not me the script!)

The timeout can be adjusted. And the script can be run several times to ensure any missed files are retried to be deleted.