Move Rackspace Cloud Servers between Regions (Automation)


So I wrote a piece of software (basic) using BASh which exports Rackspace Cloud Servers between regions. It’s pure API CALLS using curl and I’m particularly proud of this piece, since it only took a day. (once I spent the whole of the next day figuring out an issue with the JSON and bash expansion for parameters to export the cloud server image to cloud files).

This is a super rough example of an automation-in-progress for cloud-servers between regions. Once you’ve set the script up, you simply change the serverid, and the script can do the rest, and you can migrate server by server, or perform batch migrates with this.

I’m going to refactor and rewrite it when I have time, but for now, here you are! Enjoy 😀

I hope that this is useful to people, particularly our customers.. when I release a finely tuned version that has commandline arguments support.


TOKEN=`curl -X POST -d '{ "auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": { "username":"'$USERNAME'", "apiKey": "'$APIKEY'" }} }' -H "Content-type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool | grep -A5 token | grep id | cut -d '"' -f4`

echo "Creating Image at Local Datacentre"

curl -v -D export-headers \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"createImage" : {"name" : "RA-'$SERVER_ID'", "metadata": { "ImageType": "Rackspace Automation Image Exported from '$TENANT'", "ImageVersion": "2.0"}}}' \
-X POST "$API_ENDPOINT/servers/$SERVER_ID/action" > export-headers

echo "export headers"
cat export-headers

# Retrieve correct ImageID and use to check status of image
IMAGEID=$(cat export-headers | grep -i location | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $7}')
sleep 5
echo "image id"


curl -v \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-H "X-Project-Id: 100101010" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-X GET "$URL" | python -mjson.tool > imagestatus

echo "imagestatus: $imagestatus"

STATUS=$(cat imagestatus | grep status | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g')


echo "Waiting for image to complete..."
sleep 5
while [ "$STATUS" != "active" ]; do
echo "image $IMAGEID is still saving..."
sleep 10
curl -s \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-H "X-Project-Id: 100101010" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-X GET "$URL" | python -mjson.tool > imagestatus

STATUS=$(cat imagestatus | grep status | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g')


echo "Preparing/Creating Cloud Files Container for Export"

curl -v -s \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-H "X-Project-Id: 100101010" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
sleep 5


echo "Exporting VHD to Cloud Files"
# This section simply retrieves the TOKEN
TOKEN=`curl -X POST -d '{ "auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": { "username":"'$USERNAME'", "apiKey": "'$APIKEY'" }} }' -H "Content-type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool | grep -A5 token | grep id | cut -d '"' -f4`

echo "IMAGEID detected as $IMAGEID"
# This section requests the Glance API to copy the cloud server image uuid to a cloud files container called export
# > export-cloudfiles

curl -v "$TENANT/tasks" -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type": "export", "input": {"image_uuid": "'$IMAGEID'" , "receiving_swift_container": "export"}}' -o export-cloudfiles
echo "Export looks like"

cat export-cloudfiles

sleep 15

echo "export cloud-files looks like:"
cat export-cloudfiles

TASKID_EXPORT=$(cat export-cloudfiles | python -mjson.tool | grep '"id"' | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g')

echo "task ID export looks like"


sleep 15

echo "Waiting for Task to complete..."

# This section simply retrieves the TOKEN
TOKEN=`curl -X POST -d '{ "auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": { "username":"'$USERNAME'", "apiKey": "'$APIKEY'" }} }' -H "Content-type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool | grep -A5 token | grep id | cut -d '"' -f4`

# This section requests the Glance API to copy the cloud server image uuid to a cloud files container called export
curl "$TASKID_EXPORT" -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool > export-status

EXPORT_STATUS=$(cat export-status | grep status | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g')

while [ "$EXPORT_STATUS" = "processing" ]; do
sleep 15
curl "$TASKID_EXPORT" -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool > export-status
EXPORT_STATUS=$(cat export-status | grep status | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g')

CLOUD_FILES_NAME=$(cat export-cloudfiles | python -mjson.tool | grep image_uuid | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/,//g' | sed 's/"//g')

## Download VHD Cloud from Cloud Files to this server




curl -s \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-H "X-Project-Id: $TENANT" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \



## Now for uploading the VHD to Cloud Files to Destination REGION

TOKEN=`curl -X POST -d '{ "auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": { "username":"'$USERNAME'", "apiKey": "'$APIKEY'" }} }' -H "Content-type: application/json" | python -mjson.tool | grep -A5 token | grep id | cut -d '"' -f4`

curl -v -s \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-H "X-Project-Id: 891671" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \

## Upload VHD Image to Cloud Files destination for import
curl -v -s \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
-H "X-Project-Id: 891671" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \

Obscene Redundancy utilizing Rackspace Cloud Files

So, you may have noticed over the past weeks and months I have been a little bit quieter about the articles I have been writing. Mainly because I’ve been working on a new github project, which, although simple, and lightweight is actually really rather outrageously powerful.

Imagine being able to take 15+ redundant replica copies of your files, across 5 or 6 different datacentres. Rackspace Cloud Files API powered, but also with a lot of the flexibility of Bourne Again Shell (BASH).

This was actually quite a neat achievement and I am pleased with the results. There are still some limitations of this redundant replica application, and there are a few bugs, but it is a great proof of concept which shows what you can do with the API both quickly and cheaply (ish). Using filesystems as a service will be the future with some further innovation on the world wide network infrastructure, and it would only take a small breakthrough to rapidly alter the way that OS and machines boot/backup.

If you want to see the project and read the source code before I lay out and describe/explain the entire process of writing this software as well as how to deploy it with cron on linux, then you need wait no longer. Revision 1 alpha is now tested, ready and working in 5 different datacentres.

You can actually toggle which datacentres you wish to utilize as well, it is slightly flexible. The only important consideration here is to understand that there are some limitations such as a lack of de-duping, and this uses tar’s and swiftly, instead of directly querying the API. Since directly uploading thru the API a tar file is relatively simple, I will probably implement it like that as I have before and get rid of swiftly in future iterations, however such a project is really ideal for learning more about BASH , CRON, API and programmatic automation of and sequential filesystems utilizing functional programming and division of labour between workers,

Test it (please note it will be a little bit buggy on different environments and there is no instructions yet)

git clone

Cheers &

Best wishes,

Configuring Basic NFS Server+Client on RHEL7

So, you want to configure NFS? This isn’t too difficult to do. First of all you will need to, in the simplest setup, create 2 servers, one acting as the NFS server which hosts the content and attached disks. The second server, acting as the client, which mounts the filesystem of the NFS server over the network to a local mount point on the client. In RHEL 7 this is remarkably easy to do.

Install and Configure NFS on the Server

Install dependencies

yum -y install nfs-utils rpcbind

Create a directory on the server

This is the directory we will share

 mkdir -p /opt/nfs

Configure access for the client server on ip

vi /etc/exports

# alternatively you can directly pipe the configuration but I don't recommend it
echo "/opt/nfs,rw,sync)" > /etc/exports

Open Firewall ports used by NFS

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2049/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Restart NFS services & check NFS status

service rpcbind start; service nfs start
service nfs status 

Install and configure NFS on the Client

Install dependencies & start rpcbind

yum install nfs-utils rpcbind
service rpcbind start

Create directory to mount NFS

# Directory we will mount our Network filesystem on the client
mkdir -p /mnt/nfs
# The server ip address is, with the path /opt/nfs, we want to mount it to the client on /mnt/nfs this could be anything like
# /mnt/randomdata-1234 etc as long as the folder exists;
mount /mnt/nfs/

Check that the NFS works

echo "meh testing.." > /mnt/nfs/testing.txt
cat /mnt/nfs/testing.txt
ls -al /mnt/nfs

You should see the filesystem now has testing.txt on it. Confirming you setup NFS correctly.

Make NFS mount permanent by enabling the service permanently, and adding the mount to fstab

This will cause the server to automount the fs during boot time

systemctl enable nfs-server
vi /etc/fstab	/mnt/nfs	nfs	defaults 		0 0

# OR you could simply pipe the configuration to the file (this is really dangerous though)
# Unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing
echo "	/mnt/nfs	nfs	defaults 		0 0" >> /etc/fstab

If you reboot the client now, you should see that the NFS mount comes back.

Using Rackspace Cloud Files, swiftly and cron to Backup Data to multiple data-centres cheaply

So, you have some really important data, so much so that 99.99% redundancy is not enough for you. One solution to this is to use multiple copies in multiple datacentres. Most enterprise backup will have on-site, an off-site, and an archival copy. What I’m going to show here is how to make 4 different copies of your data, in 4 different datacentres around the world. This will provide a very high redundancy of storage, and greatly reduce the likelihood of data loss. Although it costs a bit more, this kind of solution may be suitable for many small, medium and large businesses. Naturally, depending on the size of the data, and the importance of redundancy. You might not have many files to backup, perhaps a small cd worth.. it will be very inexpensive if you have a small backup to make. However, due to the way that cloud files is billed, copying data to cloud files costs money in bandwidth when writing from a server in London to a cloud files in Sydney, Chicago or Dallas for instance, so it’s very important to consider the impact of bandwidth costs when utilizing an additional 3 cloud files endpoints that are not in the local datacentre region. Which, is essentially what we are doing in this guide.

Setup swiftly

yum install python-devel python-pip -y
pip install swiftly eventlet 

Create your swiftly environments (setting the name for each file)

==> /root/.swiftly-dfw.conf <==
auth_user = myusername
auth_key = censored
auth_url =
region = dfw

==> /root/.swiftly-iad.conf <==
auth_user = myusername
auth_key = censored
auth_url =
region = iad

==> /root/.swiftly-ord.conf <==
auth_user = myusername
auth_key = censored
auth_url =
region = ord

==> /root/.swiftly-syd.conf <==
auth_user = myusername
auth_key = censored
auth_url =
region = syd

Create your Script

# Adam Bull
# Adam Bull, Rackspace UK
# May 17, 2016

# This can be sequential or, it can be parallel, not sure which is better yet use & for parallel
# This backs up /documents file and puts it in the 'managed_backup' cloud files container at the following 4 datacentres ,DFW, IAD, ORD and SYD

swiftly --verbose --conf ~/.swiftly-dfw.conf --concurrency 100 put -i /documents /managed_backup
swiftly --verbose --no-snet --conf ~/.swiftly-iad.conf --concurrency 100 put -i /documents /managed_backup
swiftly --verbose --no-snet --conf ~/.swiftly-ord.conf --concurrency 100 put -i /documents /managed_backup
swiftly --verbose --no-snet --conf ~/.swiftly-syd.conf --concurrency 100 put -i /documents /managed_backup

Because the other 3 endpoints are in different datacentres, we can't use servicenet, so we defined --no-snet option for swiftly as above.

Execute your script

chmod +x

This obviously is a basic system and script of taking backups, and it is not for production use (yet). This is an alpha project I started today. The cool thing is that it works, and quite nicely. Although it is far from finished yet as a workable script.

Once the script is made, you can simply add it to crontab -e as you would usually. Make sure the user you execute with cron has access to the .conf files in their home directory!

Windows Password reset for Rackspace Cloud Servers

In the previous articles Using API and BASH to validate changing conditions and Reset windows administrator password using rescue mode without nova-agent I explained both the steps how to reset the password of a windows VM instance by modifying the SAM file by using a Linux ‘rescue’ image in the cloud, and, I also explained how to automate checks for BASH automation thru the API. The checks specifically waited until the server entered rescue, and then lifted the ipv4 address, connecting only when the rescue server had finished building.

That way the automation is handling the delay it takes, as well as setting and lifting the access credentials and ip address to use each time. Here is the complete script. Please note that backticks are deprecated but I’m a bit ‘oldskool’. This is a rough alpha, but it works really nicely. After testing it consistently allows ourselves, or our customers to reset a Windows Cloud Server password, in the case that a customer loses access to it, and cannot use other Rackspace services to do the reset. This effectively turns a useless server, back into a usable one again and saves a lot of time.

# Adam Bull, Rackspace UK
# This script automates the resetting of windows passwords
# Arguments $1 == username
# Arguments $2 == apikey
# Arguments $3 == ddi
# Arguments $4 == instanceid

echo "Rackspace windows cloud server Password Reset"
echo "written by Adam Bull, Rackspace UK"
sleep 2

# Provide an instance uuid to rescue and reset windows password

# DDI is the 'customer ID', if you don't know this login to the control panel and check the number in the URL
# The instance uuid you want to rescue


nova  --os-username $USERNAME --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name $DDI --os-auth-url --os-password $APIKEY --insecure rescue --password "$PASSWORD" --image 7fade26a-0cca-415f-a988-49c021768fca $INSTANCE


until [[ $STATE == rescued ]]; do
echo "start rescue check"
STATE=`nova --os-username $USERNAME --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name $DDI --os-auth-url --os-password $APIKEY --insecure show $INSTANCE | grep rescued | awk '{print $4}'`

echo "STATE =" $STATE
echo "sleeping.."
sleep 5


IP=`nova --os-username $USERNAME --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name $DDI --os-auth-url --os-password $APIKEY --insecure show $INSTANCE | grep public | awk '{print $5}' | grep -oE '((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'`
echo "IP = $IP"

# Set environment locally
yum install sshpass -y

# Execute environment remotely
echo "Performing Rescue..."
sshpass -p "$PASSWORD" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@"$IP" 'yum update -y; yum install ntfs-3g -y; mount /dev/xvdb1 /mnt; curl -o /root/nux.rpm; rpm -Uvh /root/nux.rpm; yum install chntpw -y; cd /mnt/Windows/System32/config; echo -e "1\ny\n" | chntpw -u "Administrator" SAM'

echo "Unrescuing in 100 seconds..."
sleep 100
nova  --os-username $USERNAME --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name $DDI --os-auth-url --os-password $APIKEY --insecure unrescue $INSTANCE

Thanks again to my friend Cory who gave me the instructions, I simply automated the process to make it easier and learned something in the process 😉

HOWTO: Rackspace Automation, Using BASH with API (to validate conditions to perform conditional tasks)

In the previous article, I showed how to wipe clean the windows password from a broken Virtual Machine that you were locked out of by rescuing with a Linux image. In this article I explain steps of how you would automate this with a bash script, that looked at the STATE of the server, and accepts commandline arguments.

It’s quite a simple script;

# Adam Bull
# April 28 2016
# This script automates the resetting of windows passwords
# Arguments $1 == instanceuuid
# Arguments $2 == username
# Arguments $3 == apikey


# Provide an instance uuid to rescue and reset windows password


nova  --os-username $USERNAME --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name $DDI --os-auth-url --os-password $APIKEY --insecure rescue --password mypassword --image 7fade26a-0cca-415f-a988-49c021768fca $INSTANCE

The above script takes the arguments I give the executable script on the commandline, in this case the first argument passed is $1, the Rackspace mycloud username. The second argument the apikey. etc. This basically puts the server into rescue. But.. what if we wanted to run some automation AFTER it rescued? We don’t want to try and let the automation ssh to the box and run the automation early, so we could use a supernova show to find whether the VM state has changed to ‘rescue’. Whilst its initiating the state will be rescuing. So we have the option of using when !rescueing logic, or, when == equal to rescue. Lets use when equal to rescue in our validation loop.

This loop will continue until the task state changes to the desired value. Here is how we achieve it

# Initialize Variable
# Validate $STATE variable, looping UNTIL $STATE == rescued
until [[ $STATE == rescued ]]; do
echo "start rescue check"
# 'show' the servers data, and grep for rescued and extract only the correct value if it is found
STATE=`nova --os-username $USERNAME --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name $DDI --os-auth-url --os-password $APIKEY --insecure show $INSTANCE | grep rescued | awk '{print $4}'`

# For debugging
echo "STATE =" $STATE
echo "sleeping.."

# For API Limit control
sleep 5
# Exit the loop once until condition satisfied

# Post Rescue
echo "If you read this, it means that the program detected a rescued state"

It’s quite a simple script to use. We just provide the arguments $1, $2, $3 and $4.

./ mycloudusername mycloudapikey 10010101 e744af0f-6643-44f4-a63f-d99db1588c94

Where 10010101 is the tenant id and e744af0f-6643-44f4-a63f-d99db1588c94 is the UUID of your server.

It’s really quite simple to do! But this is not enough we want to go a step further. Let’s move the to /bin

# WARNING /bin is not a playground this is for demonstration purposes of how to 'install' bin system applications
cp /bin/ 

Now you can call the command ‘rescue’.

rescue mycloudusername mycloudapikey mycustomerid mycloudserveruuidgoeshere

nice, and quite simple too. Obviously ‘post rescue’ in the script I can upload a script via ssh to the server, and then execute it remotely to perform the password reset.

Reset Windows Administrator Password on Rackspace Cloud Server using Rescue Mode (without nova-agent)

So, you have lost your Windows Administrator password for your Rackspace cloud server? I’d like to thank my friend Cory for providing the link details for how to do this.

No problem. Simply put the Windows VM into rescue mode using a Linux image (yup!)

Put Windows VM into Rescue mode using Linux image

# Initiate rescue using the CentOS 7 image for the server uuid 0b67faf7-bc56-4844-ad0b-16e39f289ef6
$ nova me rescue --password mypasswordforrescuemodehere --image 7fade26a-0cca-415f-a988-49c021768fca 0b67faf7-bc56-4844-ad0b-16e39f289ef6

If you’ve broken your Rackspace server and you don’t know how to perform the above step, send a ticket to Rackspace support and they should be able to put your server in rescue so you can reset the password of your windows machine!

SSH to rescue server

ssh root@myserveriphere 

Check which disk is Windows NTFS

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/xvdc: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes, 4194304 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk label type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x0003e9b3

    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/xvdc1            2048     4194303     2096128   83  Linux

Disk /dev/xvdb: 85.9 GB, 85899345920 bytes, 167772160 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk label type: dos
Disk identifier: 0xfcb073fc

    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/xvdb1   *        2048   167770111    83884032    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

Disk /dev/xvda: 85.9 GB, 85899345920 bytes, 167772160 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk label type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00070dc0

Here we can see that the disk we want is /dev/xvdb1 since this is the HPFS/NTFS/exFAT partition format used by windows. The rescue mode builds a new server and disk, attaching your old disk as the ‘b’ disk, xvdb. Lets mount the disk and install the application we need to wipe the password for the box.

Mount the disk

yum update -y
yum install ntfs-3g -y
mount /dev/xvdb1 /mnt

Download and install the chntpw tool

curl -o /root/nux.rpm
rpm -Uvh /root/nux.rpm
yum install chntpw -y

Run tool against Windows Administrator SAM file

Once run press 1 to ‘clear password’.

root@RESCUE-test config]# chntpw -u "Administrator" SAM
chntpw version 0.99.6 110511 , (c) Petter N Hagen
Hive  name (from header): <\SystemRoot\System32\Config\SAM>
ROOT KEY at offset: 0x001020 * Subkey indexing type is: 666c 
File size 262144 [40000] bytes, containing 6 pages (+ 1 headerpage)
Used for data: 255/20712 blocks/bytes, unused: 13/3672 blocks/bytes.

* SAM policy limits:
Failed logins before lockout is: 0
Minimum password length        : 0
Password history count         : 0
| RID -|---------- Username ------------| Admin? |- Lock? --|
| 01f4 | Administrator                  | ADMIN  |          |
| 01f5 | Guest                          |        | dis/lock |

---------------------> SYSKEY CHECK <-----------------------
SYSTEM   SecureBoot            : -1 -> Not Set (not installed, good!)
SAM      Account\F             : 0 -> off
SECURITY PolSecretEncryptionKey: -1 -> Not Set (OK if this is NT4)
Syskey not installed!

RID     : 0500 [01f4]
Username: Administrator
comment : Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
homedir :

User is member of 1 groups:
00000220 = Administrators (which has 1 members)

Account bits: 0x0010 =
[ ] Disabled        | [ ] Homedir req.    | [ ] Passwd not req. |
[ ] Temp. duplicate | [X] Normal account  | [ ] NMS account     |
[ ] Domain trust ac | [ ] Wks trust act.  | [ ] Srv trust act   |
[ ] Pwd don't expir | [ ] Auto lockout    | [ ] (unknown 0x08)  |
[ ] (unknown 0x10)  | [ ] (unknown 0x20)  | [ ] (unknown 0x40)  |

Failed login count: 0, while max tries is: 0
Total  login count: 15

- - - - User Edit Menu:
 1 - Clear (blank) user password
 2 - Edit (set new) user password (careful with this on XP or Vista)
 3 - Promote user (make user an administrator)
(4 - Unlock and enable user account) [seems unlocked already]
 q - Quit editing user, back to user select
Select: [q] > 1
Password cleared!

Hives that have changed:
 #  Name
Write hive files? (y/n) [n] : y
 0   - OK

It’s been done, yay!

Unrescue the cloud server, either from control panel or using nova

abull-mb:~ adam$ supernova me unrescue 0b67faf7-bc56-4844-ad0b-16e39f289ef6

Yay! We now automatically bypass the ordinary login screen so we can get into the server to reconfigure it properly again.
Screen Shot 2016-04-29 at 11.30.43 AM

You might have some questions about… setting up nova.

Setting up Nova

# Nova configuration

#export OS_AUTH_URL=
#export OS_AUTH_SYSTEM=rackspace_uk
#export OS_USERNAME=mycloudusernamehere
# Tenant Name is customer number shown in url of mycloud control panel
##export OS_TENANT_NAME=10101010
#export NOVA_RAX_AUTH=1
#export OS_PASSWORD=mycloudapikeyhere
# Project ID is customer number shown in url of mycloud control panel
#export OS_PROJECT_ID=100101010
#export OS_NO_CACHE=1

These ‘environment variables’ should be put in a file like your .bash_profile. Then you will want to source it before using nova

source .bash_profile
. .bash_profile

This just sets the variables on the commandline so they can be used by nova. It is possible to provide all of the credentials on the nova commandline as described in previous articles on this blog concerning nova.

Using nova without .bash_profile or environment variables

Initiate Rescue Mode

nova --os-username mycloudusernamegoeshere --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name tenantidgoeshere --os-auth-url --os-password apigoeshere rescue --password mypasswordforrescuemodehere --image 7fade26a-0cca-415f-a988-49c021768fca 0b67faf7-bc56-4844-ad0b-16e39f289ef6


nova --os-username mycloudusernamegoeshere --os-auth-system=rackspace  --os-tenant-name tenantidgoeshere --os-auth-url --os-password apigoeshere unrescue 

Installing nova

for more details about how to install python based nova, used in this article, please see;

Virt-manager won’t release mouse on Mac OS X

This was quite annoying, but thanks to Major hayden (thanks pal) I was able to resolve this issue by making a file on my Mac to make sure the bindings are there.

Make sure you close X Quartz first.

touch ~/.Xmodmap 
echo "clear Mod1" >> ~/.Xmodmap 
echo "keycode 66 = Alt_L"  >> ~/.Xmodmap 
echo "keycode 69 = Alt_R" >> ~/.Xmodmap 
echo "add Mod1 = Alt_L" >> ~/.Xmodmap 
echo "add Mod1 = Alt_R" >> ~/.Xmodmap 

Job done! Now it works nicely 😀 This might be relevant to those using xen, kvm and libvirtd in particular.

Protecting yourself from Brute Force Attacks on SSH

To protect yourself against this type of attack succeeding, namely to guess your password and compromise your server, you can choose an extremely long password utilizing many symbols %$!&^ and numbers 190921, both UPPERCASE and lowercase letters.

Alternatively, and the most effective way to protect yourself against these attacks is to change the port with which your SSH service runs on. However some caution should be taken when changing SSH ports of the server, as if done improperly this can cause you to lock yourself out with the firewall. The process is simple though;

locate sshd_config in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change port to something else like 777

Change from:

#Port 22

Change to:

Port 777

Open up Firewall rule (very important)

sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp  --dport 777 -j ACCEPT

Save Firewall Rule

/etc/init.d/iptables save

The entire process is described at:

Other alternatives ways to resolve this other than using secure passwords, or a less obvious port than SSH’s default port 22, is to install something like fail2ban. Which will ban any IP address preventing it from logging in if it gets the password wrong a certain number of times in a row. However, pleas be careful with this too as you can lock yourself out if you are not careful, as with all security software.

Upgrading Xen Tools on Rackspace NextGen Windows 2008 Servers

The following steps are for Rackspace Windows Next Generation servers ONLY that have been recently upgraded from First Generation Platform
DO NOT try to run on first generation servers


Please use the following link for more information on upgrading Windows 2008 Xen Tools.

Please only perform these steps if you know exactly what you are doing.

1. Stop and remove the Openstack guest agent service
1.1 Open a command prompt by clicking the Start menu, selecting Run… and typing the following command followed by an enter:
1.2 Once the command prompt is open, type the following commands to stop and then remove the Openstack guest agent service named “Rackspace Cloud Servers Agent” here
sc stop RackspaceCloudServersAgent
sc delete RackspaceCloudServersAgent
1.3 Ensure that the Rackspace Cloud Servers Agent is no longer listed in your list of services (you can check this via the Services panel in Control Panel > Administrative Tools)
2. Download the updated Openstack guest agent service (if you have not already) from
3. Once downloaded, extract the .zip file to the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Rackspace\Cloud Servers\Agent
3.1 If you had the agent installed there already, the file manager is going to ask you whether to overwrite the files found there with the ones being extracted, answer by saying to replace everything
4. Navigate to the folder where you extracted this archive and launch the installagentservice.bat batch file (depending on the file manager you may not see the .bat file extension)
5. Ensure that you have Rackspace Cloud Servers Agent listed in your Services panel (you may need to click the refresh button to see it)

At this point, you should have the Openstack guest agent service version installed and running.

To install the Citrix Xentools driver package
1. (if you have not already) download it from
2. Extract the archive to a temporary folder
3. Run the install.bat file and wait for the installation to finish completely (it will disconnect the RDP session and reboot your server multiple times)
4. Once your server is up, you can check the installed Citrix branded entries in your Programs and Features control panel page
4.1 If you don’t see version numbers there, you can either just select the entires to view their version in the detail section on the bottom of that window, or you may want to enable the version column by pressing the ‘alt’ button once, in the resulting menu selecting ‘View > Choose Details…’ and ticking the box next to ‘Version’ in the list.